Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 20

June 30th, 2014 I can believe that today is our last day at GAETI for this month, we have learned so much and I really enjoyed. Today I even volunteered to present my website, I didn't wait till the end. I really want to have some vacation time, but I know myself, after a week of vacation, I will need to start working and get ready for my new school year. I hope that my administrators will not surprise me with any drastic change, like classroom or grade level. I enjoyed every single one of my colleagues and I will be waiting for our follow up to see them again, and Dr. Bracey also.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Day 19

June 27th, 2014 Today was lesson plan presentations day, and it did take the whole day for all of us to present our lesson plans. I did like some of the activities used and I will put them in practice,like Mr. Joblin group arrangement activity. I specially liked Katy lesson it looked like she was using a lot of technology on it. It was a long day but it showed that we can do a better job as teachers day by day putting in practice what we have learned at this institute. Thank you GAETI 2014.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 18

June 26th, 2014 Today our morning was very interesting, we worked on our lesson plan and our technology plan after that we toured the TK Martin Center for Technology and Disabilities, I was amazed of the kind of technology that was presented to us. After lunch we came to the computer lab and we typed our technology plan on our webbly page. I also attached my lesson plan to my Portfolio, I also started working on my presentation section on webbly. During art class everyone presented their piece of art to the class and I presented mine with background music, the anthem of Panama.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 17

June 25th, 2014 We started our day with show and tell by Katy, then we went to the Allan Hall and I learned from Dr. Lee how to use Info graphic, audio boo and how to create a movie using power point and convert it into YouTube video. After lunch Dr. Lee thought us how to add our Infographic, webquest and audioboo to or webpage to the section of work samples. After that I went and worked on my art project but I am still missing and eye, hopefully I will finish it by tomorrow when I need to present it. After the art project I worked on my lesson plan.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 16

June 24th, 2014 This morning we had show and tell then we went to the Allen Hall and worked with "Canvas" on the teacher perspective in how to create a course for students. In the Afternoon Ms. Beriswill showed us a few magic trick that we can use when we create a power point, an easier way for us. We created a power point on frogs with Ms. Beriswill directions and then we putted the knowledge acquire into practice. I created a power point on seasons and months for the class that I need to present on Friday. I also worked a little on my lesson plan since I am all done cutting glass on my art project and I need to wait for the teacher to have the glass melted to continue and finish my art project.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 15

June 23rd, 2014 We started our morning with a show and tell, then we went to the library to learn about how to create prezi presentations from Ms. Agnew and, Mr. La Foe spoke about presenting with the Ipad, I personally think that the presentation was interesting but I didn't have any questions because I am not familiar with using an Ipad, maybe when I get one or the school district provides one for foreign language teachers I will have a lot of questions. Our High School has Ipads that are just for English, Algebra, U.S. History and Biology (testing areas) teachers to use. After lunch we came back and work on a prezi presentation and on a Web Quest. We couldn't go to the library for the presentation of Know your Copyrigths because of the rain, but Dr. Lee gave us the pamphlet that contains the information. I am almost done with my art project.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 14

June 20th, 2014 Today we started with show and tell, some of my colleague shared the same websites but explained them more in detail. Mr. Silence shared and Laura shared, those two cough my attention. We walked to Allen Hall and we were introduced the Canvas and saw other tools like wikispaces, QuestGarden, padlet, popplet, storify and there are some other that we didn't go over as a group but I look over the websites on my own. After lunch we came back to the Educational building and work with our canvas again and we worked practicing with padlet, we created our story using storify and attached the link to our webbly website, also we attached our blog to webbly. In our blog we learned how to attach another person's blog to our blog page. How much we have learned just in one day. I enjoyed all this week.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 13

June 19th, 2014 Today our day started with an informational presentation from Mr. Vincent Segalini about Common Core, He gave us very specific examples about Social Studies topics using Common Core, and language arts. Also he went over Foreign language a little bit. In the afternoon Dr. Sang Joon Lee introduced to us canvas website, also he shows how to do better research in specific topics, and show us other search engines, some of them are for specifics ages. Also we learn about scoop it website and created two topics or like folders. During the art time I finally finished the design that I thought it will be impossible for me to create and for that I am happy. It was a great day!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 12

June 18th, 2014 This morning was an interesting morning learning about the United States currency and the Federal Reserved bank I also learned some history out of it. I loved all the goodies that we received from Ms. Bennett and I went to and I ordered some of their free educational resources. We were also working in our lesson plan with a very detail template it looks a little difficult but I know that I will learn how to do it with some practice. My art project is looking good so far and I am excited about it. Our video conference with the Doctor from Taiwan was excited and interesting to learn a little bit of another culture. I love to be here and learn so much about education.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 11

June 17th, 2014 Today it has been a great day, my brain is feeling good, it is not overload today. We review some of the information from school policies and suggest some ways to request changes to it. I loved working in collaboration using Google drive/doc. We tried to have a video conference with a Doctor from Taiwan but we don't know what it really happen. We worked with strand, common core, CCRR, objectives to start creating a lesson plan. We also add two more pages to our e-portfolio. I am ready to learn more technology and try to put it together on a lesson plan and be ready for the new school year 2014- 2015.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Day 10

June 16th, 2014 Today was an excited day because we went over a lot of information about technology Ms. Lane Share with us so many information that my head still processing the information. I will try my best to use most of that information, I am not going to lie, I can't use it all. My plan after this workshop is to start putting things together for the next school year and re-visit all this wonderful information and see what technological resources I can use with it. Some new vocabulary from today's training are PLN (Personal Learning Network), Google+, Google docs/ drive, digital citizenship, Web 2.0, podcast. I did learned a lot and I did knew some of the information like poll everywhere, prezi, and twitter.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Day 9

June 13th, 2014 Today it was very interesting, at the beginning of the section because almost everyone share something even me that I am so quiet all the time. Dr. Bracey spoke today about 21st Century Skills and she explained with details and examples. In the afternoon we went over safety it was very interesting and make me think about even bringing my husband (DUI officer) to be a speaker in my classroom. Dr. Bracey also let us put in practice and create a project and a solution for it involving our students and present it to the group, we had a lot of good ideas. The art project is working better and progressing little by little.

Day 8

June 12th, 2014 Yesterday in our visit to the Lloyd building Dr. Smith talked to us about Economics and leted us see our misconception about the meaning of it and by the end of the day we could have a better definition of it. Dr. C. Smith and his presentation motivated me to share this information with the history department and see if they will be interesting in participated on this activities that will benefit our students and if they are not interested I will try to share the information with my students specially the one about the field trip on the Delta area during October. The other 2 topics about community service and service learning where interesting and on the practice section they gave us some information in Spanish that I can put in practice with my students. The last section with Dr. Jason I believe is his name, He share with us about some research results on how people take advantage of them economically. It was a long day but it was very good, specially lunch time :). Thank you Dr. Bracey and Dr. B. Smith

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Day 7

June 11th, 2014 I learned today abut different names of games like Civilization, Turista Americano, cloo, Tierra tierra and actually we practiced Tierra tierra and cloo it was excited because I almost won but it didn't happen. I enjoy learning about how to create my own game through Excel or using power point. Also Ms. Beriswill tough us some tricks on how to use keys in our keyboard to copy and paste easily. Two things that I learned today and are applicable to my teaching are the board games and how to create my own games using excel like the game that we create today about race cars, actually my colleague next to me created another version of it at the Mexican style. It was a good day today.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day 6

June 10th, 2014 The two things most helpful today was the Jigsaw "activity" (explanation of it) and, the information about the TBL grouping activity. I would like to use the Jigsaw activity when it comes to culture information, every student in groups of 1-4 will read different sections of a country like tourism, economics, food, education and then they will meet with the experts of each group and, at the end they will come back with their group home. The TBL activity will be awesome for non-fiction reading like an article for example, students will read and article assigned about Brazil Soccer World Cup 2014 an then take an assessment about it. The literacy strategy that I learned today is the Quick REACH vocabulary toolkit, this strategy is new to me and it looks like very helpful, students can read informational text and use the strategy to learn new vocabulary, for example when it comes to grammar information, like Ar- verbs endings, students will read the information presented in 3 parts (chunks)and they will write the words that they are not familiar with, then they will write the name of the tool that they used to look up for the meaning (Resource, Electronic, Association, Clues, Help)and write what is the meaning.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Day 5

June 9th, 2014 The two things that I found the most helpful today was the group application activity and the crocodoc website. On the application activity we didn't finish but it helped just to brainstorm some ideas with somebody else and create a new activity in how to teach our students some civic and culture using the Spanish Speaking countries National symbols, similarities and differences to The United States National symbols. second, the crocodoc website it looked helpful when it comes to annotate or suggest ideas to a text. I will try to apply this two activities in my classroom when it comes to reading and teach Culture with the Spanish Speaking countries. I also like the website that we use to give our definitions or input about common core,

Friday, June 6, 2014

Day 4

June 6th, 2014 This week went so fast, but we have been exposed to so many ineteresting information, and I am so glad I was here. Today it was very interesting been looking for fossils and visiting the Cobb Institute. Also I really like the activities that we did today they were totally new to me, and I am planning on putting them in practice in my room. I loved the found poem activity and I really loved the article about the skeleton of Naia, I actually went to the website and watched the two videos that they have on there website. Thank you so much Dr. Kathy Sherman- Morris for your time with us!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Day 3

June 5th,2014. The geocache activity was kind of ok for me because I did not like that our collegue hid the envelopes and we could not find them and we walked around and looked all over for too much time. But at the same time I was imagining how to do this activity with my students when I was doing so much walking.In our last session I slected 4 important cities in Spain and I wrote the coordinates, I Imaging to apply this with my students in the future, I just had time to pick an specific place on my first city and I wrote a clue for it as follow: Location 1: 40 25'00.67"N and 3 42'10.30W It is placed on the capital of the country of Spain. It is Madrid's most famous and most central square. (students where expected to give me the name of the place "Plaza puerta del sol").

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 4th,  2014
Day 2
I will use spatial data and maps in my class to introduce new material through interview or little surveys and then  the students has to create the graphics to represent that information and presented to their classmates. Also while using this two aspect I am integrating the 21st century skills and technology at the same time. It depends how these two instruments might be use it could be fun for the students and the teacher and make the learning process lively. Like today in our practice we asked our college about colors and animals to collect our data, since those are some of the topics that we teach in Spanish.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Today it has been a long day. First I got lost getting to the Educational building, finally I got here with some assistance form a campus police officer. I was glad to see that some of the professor were foreign as me, that make me feel comfortable. I love the tour around campus and the last section of our day doing the blogger since is my first time using it.